Editor’s Note: When a new communication tool becomes incredibly popular, it raises the question about educational opportunities. For what purposes can it be used? And how should it be integrated into the education environment? Mobile Learning: Enhancing a Pre-Algebra Course at a Community College with Text Messaging Prince Hycy Bull and Carlos McCormick USAAbstractThis study investigated the use of text messaging as an educational tool in a pre-algebra course at a community college in the central region of North Carolina. The research was conducted in two pre-algebra classes with thirty-three students and one instructor. Data were gathered using qualitative and quantitative methods. A mixed method design utilizing surveys, focus groups, and an interview with the instructor was employed to collect data. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data analysis was employed to analyze the thoughts and perceptions of participants and the instructor. Analyses of both qualitative and quantitative data show that participants have favorable dispositions and perceptions to the use of text messaging as an educational tool. Keywords: Text messaging, Mobile learning, Technology in pre-algebra, Instructional technology, Informal learning, Electronic learning. IntroductionAs much as technology is a part of our daily lives, it is also a part of our current educational theoretical framework. Technology is used for many reasons, one of which is to reach learners of multiple learning styles; whether it is using a liquid crystal projector to meet the needs of visual impaired students, using a MP-3 player to reach students that are musically inclined or using interactive educational software for students that thrive in an interpersonal setting. On the other hand far less consideration has been given to providing learners with technologies to help them learn whenever and wherever they choose and to support their personal learning throughout a lifetime (Sharples, 2000). According to Thornburg (1999), “We have the opportunity to use technologies in ways that support modern pedagogical thought devoted to the premise that all are capable of learning, even if the pathway for each learner are different.” Mobile LearningAccording to the Horizon Report (2009), there are six areas of emerging technologies that will significantly impact education in the next five years; cloud computing, the use of Geocoded data, personal web tools, semantic-aware applications, smart objects that give ordinary objects the power to recognize their physical location and respond appropriately, and mobile devices. This study focuses on the last of these emerging technologies, mobile devices. One mobile device that could possibly have a big impact in education is the cell phone. The cell phone is a tool instructors and students are starting to use to extend teaching and learning beyond the walls of the traditional classroom. The cell phone is currently being used in a variety of ways; students are able to take quizzes via the cell phone, students can communicate with instructors and peers, check their daily class schedule, register for classes, conduct Internet searches, engage in social networking, and they can even check on the dining hall menu, (Kharif, 2008). According to William Rankin (2008), co-director of mobile learning research at Abilene Christian University, “This is a new platform for learning, in the same way a laptop or a desktop was a new platform”. Using the cell phone or smart phone technology, (a hybrid device with PDA and phone capabilities), in the classroom is a relatively new phenomenon in education. When mobile devices are used in education it falls within the category of M-Learning. What is M-Learning? McConatha and Praul (2008), define mobile learning as learning accomplished with the use of small, portable computing devices. Lee and Chan, (2007) define it as “the acquisition of any knowledge and skill through using mobile technology, anywhere, anytime”. O’Malley defines M-Learning as any learning that happens when the learner is not at a fixed, predetermined location via mobile technology. While the definitions from these authors do not provide a concrete definition they all seemingly agreed that M-Learning is learning via a mobile device. John Traxler (2007), states that there are some people who view mobile learning as mobility of learning in terms of the learner’s experiences of learning with mobile devices. Traxler also believes that mobile learning will support a wide variety of conceptions of teaching uniquely placed to support learning that is personalized, authentic, and situated. In their study of using mobile devices, Chan and Lee identified seven key attributes of mobile learning; spontaneity, personalization, informality, context-sensitivity, portability, ubiquity and pervasiveness. Instructional technologists, instructors, and administrators are trying to find effective ways to integrate mobile learning in traditional and online settings. Despite not having one concise definition or a theoretical framework M-Learning has the potential to have a big impact in education. According to the Benefits & Compensation Digest (2008), there is a good possibility that M-Learning will permeate our lives in the future to meet the increasing demand for quality, flexibility training, and to fulfill the needs of lifelong learning. As M-Learning continues to be explored cell phones and one of its prominent features text messaging, also known as Short Message Service (SMS) are aspects of this new phenomena that will be addressed in this study. Cell phones are particularly popular for teenage and college students. In Varda’s (2004) article, Rebecca Noah, AT&T wireless spokeswoman, “Students are most interested in using cell phones because of their flexibility.” Ball State Media Relation director Marc Ransford said, “Text messaging has overtaken e-mail and instant messaging as the main form of communication, as 94 percent of students send and receive text messages”. Like cell phones the use of text messaging is relatively new in terms of its use in education. Despite being a new tool in education, institutions, administration, staff, and faculty are experimenting with text messaging in a variety of ways. In a study done by Cavus and Ibrahim (2007), text messaging was used to help students learn new English words. Using special software on the instructor’s computer, a new word was sent out to students every half an hour as a text in order to help students become familiar with new English words. The experiment received favorable marks; all the participants expressed their satisfaction and enjoyment of learning away from the classroom. Students in the Cavus and Ibrahim study noted that other instructors should also use mobile phone based teaching to support their teaching activities in the classroom. With any new integration, there are both positives and negatives. As text messaging, cell phones, and M-Learning move through their initial stages of pedagogical development there are issues that need to be addressed. One of the big issues with text messaging is dealing with its own lingo (e.g., “your “spelled “UR”, problems cut down to “Probs”.) For some educators this presents a problem. Labrow (2004) addresses this concerns, “Times change, and letter writing isn’t the formal thing that it was. But these low standards of communication now pervade our everyday lives”. As for cell phones, Noble (2009), president of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation does not object to cell phones, however asserts “We have serious concerns about their misuses (e.g., cheating on exams, cyber bulling or just being disruptive in class”.) With some of the positives and the negatives outlined there is the need to validate pedagogical and technological integration of M-learning components in education. Labrow sums up this view in the following statement, “Mobile Learning could be great - but let’s get it right, and let’s not be seduced by the speed and availability of mobile media.” Theoretical FrameworkAccording to Traxler (2007), mobile learning is essentially personal, contextual and situated; this means it is “noisy”. Being “noisy” is a possible reason why at the time of this study M-learning does not have one concrete definition or a theoretical framework as it relates to education. The study is guided by the learning theory of informal and lifelong learning (Muyinda, 2007). According to Muyinda, “The learning theory of Informal and Lifelong learning promotes activities that support learning outside of a dedicated learning environment.” Mobile technologies can support Informal learning, which may be intentional or accidental (Sharples, 2000). The use of mobile learning, especially text messaging via the cell phone, could be used to informally address problem based learning. Mobile learning will help people blend formal and informal learning and manage their studies across life transitions (Peng, Su, Chou & Tsai, 2009.) On the other hand Naismith, et al., (2004) define informal and lifelong learning as activities that support learning outside a dedicated learning environment and formal curriculum. Importance of the StudyThis research seeks to discover the effectiveness of text messaging as a teaching tool in a pre-algebra course. Secondly, the research seeks to gain an understanding of students’ perceptions of text messaging as an educational tool. Text Messaging is a form of mobile learning and this pedagogy is relatively new when it comes to Education. Finally, the research seeks to build upon previous research to define the role of mobile technologies like cell phones, smart phones and PDA’s in education. Is mobile learning just a fad or is it something that can truly be used as an effective teaching tool used for every student? Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of using text messaging as an educational tool in a pre-algebra class at a community college in the central region of North Carolina. This study seeks to prove that the integration of text messaging in the pre-algebra course will positively impact the perceptions of students’ to the use of text messaging in the pre-algebra course. Research QuestionsThis research will seek to reject the hypothesis that students did not have a more positive disposition to text messaging as an instructional tool after the integration in the pre-algebra course. This research was guided by the following research questions: - How effective was text messaging as an instructional tool in a pre-algebra course?
- What are students’ perceptions to text messaging as an educational tool?
- In what ways can text messaging be used to enhance the educational experience?
- To what extent can text messaging be utilized to support communication, reflection, and interest, and thus provide pedagogically rich learning environments that engage and motivate the learner?
Participants The research was conducted in two pre-algebra classes at community college located in the central region of North Carolina. Thirty-three students and one instructor volunteered to participate in the study. Research DesignThe study was conducted in spring 2010. This study utilized both qualitative and quantitative design methodologies. Participants completed a pre-survey at the beginning of the course and a post-survey at the end of the course (see Table 1). They also participated in a focus group session at the end of the treatment. The purpose of the focus group was to collect and analyze information on the perceptions of participants on the use of text messaging and cellular telephones in their pre-algebra course. The following are examples of questions posed during the focus group discussion: (a) What are some of your thoughts about having text messages sent to you as part of your pre-algebra course? (b) How did the text messages enhance your participation in class? (c) What types of text messages did you like the most during this experience? (d) What are your views on using text messaging in education? The course instructor provided the text messages researchers send out to students. The normal routine for the instructor was to provide the text messages to the researchers at the beginning of the week. Researchers would check daily with the instructor to see if there were any last minute texts the instructor would like to send out that were not given to the researcher at the beginning of the week. Generally, the instructor provided four texts to send out during the week. However, there were few weeks students received a text everyday, Monday – Friday. Researchers sent out texts at various times of the day, between the hours of 10 a.m. -8 p.m., Monday - Sunday via a smart phone (Apple-I-phone). Each text was archived for the purpose of discussing the text at the end of the experiment with the students in the focus group and with the instructor (see Table 2). For the purposes of this research the text message delivery was a one-way communication from instructor to students. This was done to maintain privacy for the instructor, reduce contact hours with students, and not having to constantly engage with students via text messaging. The surveys were used to understand the participants’ perception of text messaging in a pre-algebra classroom. The survey allowed the participants to rank both text messaging and cell phone in 10 categories; Important, Interesting, Relevant, Exciting, Means a lot, Appealing, Fascinating, Valuable, Involving and Needed on a 7 point scale. The participants ranked each category from 1-7 with one being the lowest and seven being the highest. The mean was compared on a 70 point scale. The instrument was developed by researchers. Using SPSS (now IBM PASW) the Cronbach alpha reliability test was done on the instrument. The reliability of the instrument was determined at .973. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient normally ranges between 0 and 1. However, there is actually no lower limit to the coefficient. The closer Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is to 1.0 the greater the internal consistency of the items in the scale. It should also be noted that an alpha of .8 is probably a reasonable goal. It should also be noted that while a high value for Cronbach’s alpha indicates good internal consistency of the items in the scale, it does not mean that the scale is one-dimensional. At the end of the research participants participated in a focus group discussion. Findings from the qualitative analysis were used to get a clear and concise understanding of their perceptions of integrating text messaging in the pre-algebra course through themes and categories. Table 1Pre and Post-Survey Text Messaging and Cell Phone Educational Uses InstrumentsInstructions: Place an 'x' between each adjective pair to indicate how you feel about the use of cell phone in your pre-algebra course. To me, Text Messaging Use in Education is: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | | | 1. unimportant _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ important | 2. boring _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ interesting | 3. irrelevant _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ relevant | 4. unexciting _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ exciting | 5. means nothing _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ means a lot | 6. unappealing _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ appealing | 7. Mundane _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ fascinating | 8. worthless _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ valuable | 9. uninvolving _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ involving | 10. not needed _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ needed | | | | | | | | | | | |
To me, Cell Phone Use in Education is: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | | | 1. unimportant _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ important | | 2. boring _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ interesting | | 3. irrelevant _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ relevant | | 4. unexciting _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ exciting | | 5. means nothing _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ means a lot | | 6. unappealing _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ appealing | | 7. Mundane _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ fascinating | | 8. worthless _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ valuable | | 9. uninvolving _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ involving | | 10. not needed _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ needed | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Conclusions and Findings Qualitative FindingsThe results acquired from this study clearly provide evidences that text messaging is a tool that can enhance both the teaching and learning experiences of students. The qualitative analysis yielded several themes from the study. Students liked the fact that they can get reminders, practice problems, and updates right on their mobile devices. No longer did they have to wait in long lines to use a computer at the school lab, no worries about finding a hot spot so they can log into their e-mail account. They were truly excited about the opportunity of receiving text messages. When asked during the focus group session how often they would like to get an educational text message, one student said “Bring it on I would like to get a text everyday”. Text Messaging is a way of life for a lot of people. One participant commented I’d rather text than talk to people on the phone. If texting is that important to students and it is something that they feel is not an invasion of their privacy, which was the common response from all the students that participated, it is important that this piece of technology is investigated by the faculty, staff and administrators at the college. This is a type of technology that has the potential to revolutionize mathematics and learning in general. Imagine students entering a mathematics class and believing mathematics could be fun and exciting. Text messaging could possibly provide this experience. Below are qualitative analyses to specific questions: How effective was text messaging as a tool in the Pre-Algebra course? Participants stated that text messaging is an effective way to remind students about, quizzes, labs, and other related mathematics assignments. As Vanessa puts it, “It was helpful as far as remembering if I had a test or quiz the next day. With me working I would tend to forget and every time I would get off work, I would see I had a text message, so it helped me be prepared for class”. Some participants felt that content related text messages helped them with their assignments. As Josh puts it, “The problems helped jog my memory, kept me thinking what was going on that day. I never solved the problem, but if I got a text and it was a decimal problem I was like okay that’s what we studied today.” Fatima stated that mnemonics sent out made a difference, “The sayings were good because they helped remind me how to set up formulas when solving a problem.” What are your perceptions of integrating text messaging in your math class? For majority of the participants receiving text messages was nothing new. However, this was the very first time for all the students to receive text messages in academic setting. Participants felt it was good to get the text messages, especially getting the practice problems. As one student puts it, “The text did not make it more exciting or fun. It just helped a lot.” What would have made the text messaging experience more appealing to you as a student? Participants felt that providing actual mathematical problems with corresponding formulas would have enhanced the experience. Walter a participant stated, “I can agree with sending formulas. Some people struggle in Math. If you send problems and the formula, it takes the text a little bit further and would be helpful to a lot of kids who are having a hard time.” Some participants felt that feedback via text messaging would have enhanced their experience. Thomas, a participant, stated “If you send a problem out and we sent it back and got it wrong, tell us to use a particular rule to solve the problem.” Others wanted more practice problems that would help them prepare for class. Table 2Sample Text Messages 1. Math - Reminder you have a quiz tomorrow, Be sure that you can solve a percent problem by using both an equation and a proportion. 2. Math - If you would like extra help, you may stay after on Thursday in LE 14 from 2:00-4:00. Bring material to work on or questions. 3. Math - A tree has 8ft. shadow. A man places a 10ft ladder from the top of the tree to the end of the shadow. How tall is the tree beside it with a 6ft shadow? Please show your work and turn in tomorrow for the chance to win a frosty. 4. Math - Are congruent triangles similar? Hint: Think about the definition of similar triangles. 5. Math - Reminder you have a test tomorrow. 6. Math - Is the following a true proportion? 5 is to 12 as 10 is to 24. 7. Math - A saying we used today was “King Henry Died While Drinking Chocolate Milk” it stands for kilo, hecto, deka, whole unit, deci, centi, milli. 8. Math - Remember the Excel lab must be done using Excel. If you do not have the program at home, you can find it in the computer labs here on campus. 9. Math - Now is a good time to start preparing for the final. Do you know where all of you old test are? 10. Math - Remember that all assignments are not worth the same. Use the grade breakdown sheet to average your grades. Also the extra lab is due tomorrow. 11. For example; Solve the following problem- (0.5x+7=0.2x+2.5). What are the perceptions of the course instructor to use of text messaging in her course? The instructor in this study felt that the use of text messaging in her course both “helped and hurt” students in the following areas: - It helped from the standpoint of being able to send reminders to student about upcoming test, quizzes or reminded them the lab was due the next day.
- On the other hand, students became dependent on the text messaging and not on the traditional calendar, class information, or course delivery tools. She further states, “I have students complain if I did not send a text to remind them that they had a test or quiz. In that way it hurts. Students became dependent on the text messages. I felt like they were not listening to me in class. I was resending information that we have talked about in class, posted on Blackboard, and also displayed on the calendar I provide them each month”.
- The instructor felt that she was limited as to the types of text messages she could send. The instructor stated, “Mathematical texts are hard to send because you cannot text division symbols. You cannot make fractions. There is a lot of stuff that I could not text.”
- The instructors felt that sending all the formulas via text messaging and promoting use of cell phones in the classroom could promote cheating. As she put it, “I think about students who I have to take their cell phones away now because they are text messaging in class when they are not supposed to. I would be thinking the students may have all the formulas on their phones, that would make me worry and concerned about students cheating on my test”.
Quantitative FindingsWhile the qualitative data did provide depth to the research with encouraging results, the quantitative data provided both limited and statistical significance findings. It was clear from the data that after the integration of text messaging participants demonstrated a more favorable perception toward text messaging. The qualitative data yielded positive findings about the attitudes of students toward integrating text messaging as an instructional tool. In general, the research show that students preferred text messaging over email as a form of class communication. Therefore, participants were responsive to text messaging a form of communication. Participants were also able to separate work, social, and academics communications, and accepted text messages as an extension of their education outside the walls of the classroom in the community college. Descriptive analysis was used to compare the means of the pre-survey and the post-survey. On a 70 point scale, the mean for the pre-survey for text messaging was 52, which shows a very favorable disposition toward the use of text messaging in their algebra course. The post survey mean was 57 (see Table 3), which shows a significant gain of 5 point towards a more favorable disposition to the use of text messaging in their education. A gain of 5 points is statistical significant in this study. From the analysis of Table 3, it is clear that participants felt that text messaging in education was “important” and “valuable” with the largest post survey mean gains of 7 points followed by “relevant,” “appealing,” and “involving” with post survey mean gains of 6 points. “Needed” gain 5 points in the post survey mean. With six out of ten categories gaining 5+ points, it is clear that participants had a positive disposition to the use of text messaging in their pre-algebra course. Table 3Text Messaging Mean Scores for Pre and Post Survey on a 70 Point ScaleText Messaging | Pre | Post | Important | 54 | 61 | Interesting | 55 | 59 | Relevant | 54 | 60 | Exciting | 51 | 54 | Means a lot | 51 | 55 | Appealing | 49 | 55 | Fascinating | 51 | 52 | Valuable | 54 | 61 | Involving | 53 | 59 | Needed | 53 | 58 | Total- Mean | 52 | 57 |
The results for the use of cell phones were not as statistically significant as those of text messaging (see Table 4). This could be attributed to the fact that participants use their cell phones as an everyday tool. They did not see it a novel tool in their classroom. Also, the focus was not on the cell phone as the instructional tool, but on text messaging delivered via the cell phone. Table 4Cell Phone Mean Scores for Pre and Post Survey on a 70 Point ScaleCellular Telephones | Pre | Post | Important | 62 | 63 | Interesting | 56 | 59 | Relevant | 55 | 58 | Exciting | 54 | 55 | Means a lot | 57 | 56 | Appealing | 54 | 56 | Fascinating | 54 | 54 | Valuable | 58 | 59 | Involving | 53 | 58 | Needed | 58 | 60 | Total-Mean | 56 | 57 |
For cell phone a descriptive analysis was used to compare the means of the pre-survey and the post-survey for use of cell phone in education in general. On a 70 point scale the mean for the pre-survey was 56, which shows a very favorable disposition toward the use of text messaging in their algebra course. However, the post-survey mean of 57 did not show a more positive disposition after the integration of text messaging. Though this was not statistically significant, it showed a positive disposition towards using cell phone in education. ConclusionsIt is clear from the descriptive statistical analysis that there was a position shift from the pre survey mean to the post survey mean towards a more favorable disposition towards use of text messaging as an instructional tool. This study is unique in that there was a favorable disposition towards the use of text messaging resulting from a one-way delivery of information from the instructor to students. Imagine what the outcome would have been if students had the opportunity to engage the instructor in a two-way text messaging communication system. The use of text messaging in instruction has great potential that we as educators have to tap into. As educators, we need to explore and continue to investigate the uses of text messaging in education. What is unique about this technology and delivery is that most students have access to the technology and expertise needed to facilitate this delivery, which means that it should be cost effective to academic institutions to put in place. The use of text messaging as the leading form of electronic communication for college students in social networking electronic environments makes this mode of delivery an appealing system to students. It is incumbent upon academic institutions to explore creative ways to facilitate instructional delivery through text messaging and conduct sustained research on its effectiveness in enhancing the intellectual climate of the institution. In as much as the findings from both qualitative and quantitative analyses in this study are very encouraging one should be cautious in extrapolating beyond this study because of limitations. First, the sample size in the study was small. With only thirty three students participating in the study, one could expect skewed results. Second, the study was conducted within four weeks and not the entire semester. A lengthier study may have significant implications for integration. Also, the text message communication was a one-way communication from the instructor to the student. Even with these limitations the research yielded positive results on the use of text messaging instruction. ReferencesCavus, N. & Ibrahim, N. (2009). 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| Prince Hycy Bull is an associate professor, lead professor/chair of the department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology at the North Carolina Central University School of Education, Durham, North Carolina, USA. Email: phbull@nccu.edu | | Carlos McCormick is the director of technology at Wake Technical Community College in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Email: crmccormick@waketech.edu |